Why Spanish?

To establish a more purposeful and personal relationship with prospective employees, students or customers—or people you meet on the way to work—you need to "speak their language." You need not travel from Andorra to Uruguay or even be fluent, but to really understand Hispanic people, you need to know "where they're coming from." 

Imagine this scenario: You walk into your workplace. Another day at the office. But this day is different because in your spare time, you've been learning Spanish.

The security person stands behind the desk, about to wrap up his night shift. 

You've heard him speak Spanish (you learned enough in high school to recognize it) with his co-worker. On previous days, you may have nodded a good morning to this gentleman or even stopped to chat in English. But this morning is different because for the first time, your confidence empowers you to say to him muy buen día. (mooey bwenn THEE-ah). Your pronunciation is near perfect. 

You see his eyes twinkle and his lips curve upward. 

He asks, in Spanish, where you learned to speak so well. You understand him. He understands you. The conversation lasts maybe a minute or two, and you learn where he’s from and how long he’s been in the United States. 

You know where each other "is coming from" now. 

You feel exhilarated as you continue your day because you’ve “spoken his language.” 

You re-experience that thrill when you hire someone from Venezuela; when a teenager from Spain decides to attend your university; when your professional hockey team pulls off a successful Hispanic Heritage Night; when your non-profit organization raises money from a wealthy native Spanish speaker so that your organization can better support its mission in that donor's country of origin.  

Want to learn more about other use cases--for educational or business purposes?

A quick quiz for you:

  1. How many native Spanish-speakers are there in the world?
  2. How many live in the United States?
  3. What percentage of consumers prefer content in the first language?

NewMeadow Uno has your answers.

Let’s get started.