“Feliz Navidad”

“Feliz Navidad.”

You probably know the lyrics by now, right? But odds are you’ve either been mishearing and mispronouncing José Feliciano’s happy holy-day greeting.

Sure, native Spanish speakers understand you and appreciate the sentiment…but If you knew you could

My pronunciation gift to you, then, is the world’s easiest Spanish pronunciation guide for this Christmas classic.

Remember your first bike or first pair of skates or your first car? You rode, skated and drove in slow motion. Use the same approach here—the Buenas Erres® method.

Now, forget Spanish for a second and just stick with English to sound more like a native Spanish speaker.

fell-LEASE nobby-thah

fell-LEASE nobby-thah

fell-LEASE nobby-thah,

PUH-dough-sped-oh AHN-yo we fell-LEASE-see-thah

Now, listen to “Feliz Navidad,” with a new set of ears. Sing along and share the love.